Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Video Unboxing of November Mother Goose Time Kit

For November I thought I would give you guys an inside look into what I do with Bella daily. I found this after looking for Homeschool Preschool ideas on Pinterest and becoming super overwhelmed. I felt like everything was letters and numbers and we would have to spend $500 in the craft store for a weeks worth of projects. I came across this Preschool Curriculum Package on Google that came with EVERYTHING you need for Preschool to you door monthly. There is no commitment, no hidden fees, just pure awesomeness! And no, I am not getting paid to say this. I just love it that much! It's Mother Goose Time. If you haven't heard of them, go check them out now!

Each month has a theme and November's is Community Helpers.  Not only does it come with everything you need, but it comes with amazing lessons plans and curriculum that you could not create on your own. I am constantly impressed with the things Bella is learning thanks to Mother Goose Time! Check out the video to see why this box is just plain amazing!

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