Friday, December 23, 2016

Christian Homeschooling Lessons for Toddlers

As you guys know, I use Mother Goose Time for Bella's homeschool preschool curriculum. If you haven't heard of them before, check out my previous post here. While this box comes with EVERYTHING, for an extra $5 a box you can create a Christian Curriculum and add on a package called Experience God - Child Art Packs. This was something I really wanted to do to incorporate God into our daily life with my kiddos. Let me give you a quick breakdown of what came in December's box!

Each pack comes with 4 lessons and activities (one per week). I usually do one each Sunday, but due to Christmas I waited to devote the week of Christmas to teach all about the story of Jesus. True to why I love Mother Goose Time, these packs come with all of your supplies needed for the art project along with instructions and a lesson. I will focus on the art projects in this post, and do a more detailed post later!

Lesson 1

Our Completed Art Project from Lesson 1
The first lesson we created a Mary puppet, which Bella really enjoyed. I love the creativity of this company!

Lesson 2

Our Completed Art Project from Lesson 2
The second lesson we created a Donkey in which Bella "rode" to Bethlehem.

Lesson 3

Our Completed Art Project from Lesson 3
The third lesson (my personal favorite) we created a manger. This project was super fun and I loved the way it turned out. Bella really enjoyed this one as well.
Lesson 4

Our Completed Art Project from Lesson 4
For our final project we created two Christmas Tree ornaments which are currently hanging on our tree!

Each lesson also includes a coloring sheet on the back! They really waste no space.

Here is a breakdown of the three items you can purchase to complete your Experience God curriculum! You can also read about it on their website here! While I received this month's MGT box for free in exchange for me to blog about my personal experience (after months of being a paying customer), I continue to purchase these Experience God packs myself because I love them so much! 

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