Saturday, December 10, 2016

Projects with a Toddler Made Easy

I am a mom of two girls ages 1 & 3. I'm married. I work a full-time job. We like to travel.

I have no time.

One of my biggest priorities when I start my day is to spend one-on-one time with my daughters. My 3 year old struggles when we don't have some direct time together. I've tried doing it all myself. I've tried creating projects. I've tried spending $80 at a craft store but still having to struggle with what I will create.


Once a month, I get a box delivered to my door. I open it and inside lies 20 days worth of pre-bagged activities and projects I can do with my daughters. 20 days of learning. 20 days of ITEMS that I don't need to buy. I don't need to scrounge, stress out, or prep. My life has literally changed.

Mother Goose Time has made the biggest impact on my family in the best way!

I didn't plan on homeschooling my toddler. I was simply looking for something a little extra to do with her every day and this kit is perfect! You can combine days, spread them out, or do it a day at a time. There is no one to answer to but yourself, and a full kit delivered to your door that will help you and your child learn new things every day.

I am constantly impressed with the items received in this kit. For example: this week we learned about Pine Trees and Pinecones. I combined the days because, due to a crazy schedule, sometimes we have to miss a day of "class". These are straight-out-of-Pinterest, amazingly fun projects! THESE KITS COME WITH EVERYTHING!!!!

Bella and I were so excited to make this Invitation to Create Bird Feeder! This is something I have seen around since I was a child, but never had the supplies to create myself. First off, I don't have bird seeds (ever) and I don't live near pinecones. I opened our daily bag to two full-size Pinecones, bird seed and string (along with tons and tons of other items FOR ONE DAY). Look at this face!

Not only does it come with everything you need, it comes with an explanation on how to use the items and teach your child something new. It is fool-proof.

Our bird feeders came out perfectly and we also learned about the life cycle of Pine Trees! Bella uses so many skills thanks to this Preschool Program. These are things I could never do on my own. I'm grateful for this company! Check out the photos below of us creating our awesome project thanks to Mother Goose Time!

*After months of being a paying customer, I was approached by Mother Goose Time to receive this month's box for free in exchange for my honest feedback!

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