Sunday, September 16, 2018

Preschool - The Lessons Within the Lessons

While our Mother Goose Time program teaches the children extraordinary topics daily, I've began to notice the life lessons that the girls are taking away from their homeschooling more lately.

While they are having fun (and not even realizing they are learning) they don't realize the way they are suddenly working together unlike other times at home. When the time comes for a group project, I begin to see them naturally come together to figure out something new. They look to each other for support, comfort and help. While of course I am there as well, they seem to bond over exploring a new topic together each day.

There are a few times during homeschooling that these moments really stand out with them.

During Circle Time

At the beginning of the day, we start with Circle Time which is a time of song, dance and talking about what is ahead for the day. They naturally come together in excitement for finding the date for the day, gluing the day on the calendar, picking the weather and pinning up the new day cloud. Together they excitedly discuss the numbers, the weather and come together to problem solve who should glue, where it should go etc.. These little steps are huge milestones as a mother watching her children bond.

During Play Time with Manipulatives
During this time, I bring out a big box of past months (and current) manipulatives which include shapes, cups, animals, critters and lots of fun little toys. The girls really enjoy this time (while I collect things for the day) to build, share and play together. During this time they are encouraged to help each other create a story line and imagine. The best part is hearing the stories they create with each little figure together.

During Crafts

While my girls are completely different in every way, they are constantly inspired by each other. When making a new or unique craft, they are naturally interested in what the other chooses to create and inspire each other. We recently did a lesson on Picasso. While Bella chose to use the shapes given, Trinity decided to cut the shapes into something she wanted. Bella had forgotten hair, so she asked Trinity what that part was and was quickly inspired to add hair to her art. I truly enjoy these little moments where they speak to each other and explain what they are doing on their own.

During New Games

Mother Goose Time constantly adds new creative games in each month's box. The girls really enjoy doing these together and have a lot of fun. While Trinity doesn't always fully understand what is happening, Bella learns to be patient and understanding with her younger sister.

They really have a fun time together and bond over winning and accomplishing something together.

Every Day

In general, each day this homeschooling offers a new exciting topic to distract the girls from daily toys/playing that helps them bond and encourage each other in new ways. If you have multiple children, I think this is an amazing way to give them an opportunity to share new ideas and create in unique ways together. I highly encourage you to try something like this and see what it can teach your children!

After months of being a paying customer, I received this month's box for free in return for my honest and personal experiences!

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